Reservation & Front Desk   |  07-799 6753 ( 8 AM - 10 PM )
Front Desk Whatsapp 012-712 6753

 Sales Whatsapp | En Matin 012-712 6753 ( 10AM - 10 PM )
Mrs Amirah 011-18706753

   Managed by Warisan Sri Sedili.
   SSM Ref:JM0305862X
   SST Ref: J12-2203-32000001

How do we make a booking ?

You may contact us at the numbers listed via whatsapp or call us directly.

How far away is Fishing Bay Resort from Mersing Town ?

Fishing Bay Resort is about a 10 minute drive from Mersing Town

What is the Check-in and Check-out time ?

The check-in time is at 3.00 PM The check-out time is at 12.00 PM

Where is Fishing Bay Resort ?

Fishing Bay Resort is located 15km from Mersing town